Aleksandr Lobanov

I'm a



Here is up-to-date information about me, including my current place of study/work and where I am from.

  • Birthday: 29 April 1998
  • Age:
  • Email:
  • City: Moscow, Russia
  • University: MIPT
  • Degree: PhD student
  • Email:
  • City: Dolgoprudny, Russia

I am a third-year PhD student at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Department of Mathematical Foundations of Control. I am working in the field of optimization for machine learning. My research interests include Federated Optimization, Gradient-Free Algorithms, Machine Learning, Convex Optimization, etc. My supervisor is Professor Alexander Gasnikov, the head of Laboratory of Mathematical Methods of Optimization.


Below is information about the scientific work taken from Google scholar, including the number of publications, citations, etc. You can read more about this information by going to my Google Scholar profile.

Articles prepared for publication in journals/conferences

Number of citations to prepared articles

h-index such that h articles have at least h citations

Co-authors who worked on joint projects

Education & Employment

Here provides information about my education, from my bachelor's degree to my PhD, as well as current positions in the scientific community.


PhD of Applied Mathematics & Computer Science

2022 - Present

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudny, Russia

I am doing PhD work in Optimization for Machine Learning supervised by Alexander Gasnikov.

Master of Applied Mathematics & Computer Science

2020 - 2022

Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow, Russia

I did my master's thesis "Development and Application of Mini-batch Adaptive Optimization Algorithms in Joint Estimation and Control Problems" supervised by Andrei Panteleev.

Bachelor of Applied Mathematics

2016 - 2020

Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow, Russia

I did my bachelor's thesis "Optimization methods in machine learning for the identification of dynamic systems parameters" supervised by Andrei Panteleev.


JUNIOR Researcher

2024 - Present

Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia

Head: Vladimir Spokoiny.

JUNIOR Researcher

2024 - Present

Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia

Head: Evgeny Burnaev. Group of Alexander Gasnikov.

Research Intern

2023 - Present

Ivannikov Institute for System Programming of the RAS, Moscow, Russia

Head: Denis Turdakov. Group of Alexander Gasnikov.


2022 - Present

Laboratory of Advanced Combinatorics and Network Applications, Dolgoprudny, Russia

Head: Andrei Raigorodskii. Group of Alexander Gasnikov.


Information collected here includes a complete list of publications, talks and participation in scientific events, as well as a list of the teaching disciplines (seminar classes). To read more details, just click on the button: .

  • All
  • Publications
  • Talks
  • Teaching





Below is additional information about me, including a complete list of research interests, computer skills, foreign language skills, hobbies, and a complete list of conferences in which I have been a reviewer.

Research Interest

Optimization for Machine Learning, Federated and Distributed learning, Gradient-Free Algorithms, Convex Optimization


  • Python, LaTeX, C++, C#,
  • MATLAB (basic), SQL


Football, Basketball, Cycling, Hiking, Swimming, Skiing, Solving Puzzle Games, Travelling

A/A* Conferences

NeurIPS 2023, NeurIPS 2024


  • Russian (native),
  • English (intermediate)